We hope that you will be very happy with your purchase from us but if for any reason you are not you can return your item to us within 14 working days of purchase for an exchange or refund.
If you are wanting to return your item, this will be at your own cost and we ask that all returns are sent back to us with the points below taken into consideration
• All Items must be returned back via a signed for Delivery service – We cannot be held reasonable for any items to be lost or damaged upon return.
• We ask that care is taken and that the items are shipped back in the condition the item was received in
• We also ask that all items being returned are in a re-saleable condition and in original packaging and unopened.
Any items being return that are not adhered to by in the point’s state above, will result in the item will be sent back to yourself and no refund will be given. Refunds will be given upon receipt of goods.
If you wish to return an item please contact us using the returns form so that an RMA (Returns Merchandise Authorization) can be raised and a returns note number can be provided.